How To Make Raw Vegan Chocolate in Only 10 minutes
Oh the amazing world of chocolate
Now, this is not the typical milk chocolate candies that you’ll find at your local grocery store.
Nope, not even close!
I’m talking about 100% real chocolate that doesn’t have a tone of sugar or those mysterious emulsifiers mixed into the equation.
I can still remember the first time I tried this intriguing substance the first time I visited Mexico. I’m pretty sure that my life was forever changed from there on!
What I experienced was a rich decadance, very satisfying and delicious.
And that has lead me on a quest ever since to explore the wonderful world of raw chocolate, and also reap the amazing health benefits that it has to offer!
A Little Cacao History
Chocolate is made from cacao beans that come from a cacao pod on a cacao tree.
It’s native to South America, cacao made its way to Europe by way of the Spaniards and has spread like wildfire ever since.
The 4 Varieties of Cacao
Forastero cacao is the most widely known and mass produced because it’s better suited for commercial production, however the Criollo cacao tree is more heirloom and delicious and is more sought after and considered a delicacy even know it gives much lower yields.
Cacao beans come from a cacao pod that contains anywhere between 30 - 40 beans per pod.
Cacao is rated as one of the best longevity foods in the world.
Cacao contains “Bliss chemicals that help to release the feel good endorphins.
It has been used for both medicinal and spiritual for several thousand years in Mexico.
And cacao was even used directly as a currency at one time in history.
Organic Raw Cacao is rich in Nutrients
Like flavonoids, fiber, essential vitamins, iron and even magnesium which is especially why it’s so good for the heart.
One reason why it’s important to only consume raw and organic cacao is because when it’s made naturally at low temperatures most of the vital nutrients that makes cacao so rich and amazing are usually lost through the over processing.
This is why by the time most chocolate hits the store shelves, pretty much all of the health giving nutrients are gone for good,
Even more is all the unhealthy additives that are mixed into the finished product of commercially produced chocolate like emulsifiers, partially hydrogenated oils and artificial flavors end up making this sacred food a frankenstein food.
I guarantee that if you make your own chocolate that it will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, and delicious.
Ready To Make Chocolate?
Below is a list of Ingredients and what you will need. I highly recommend using only organic cacao beans, cacao butter and especially raw organic honey!
Cacao Powder
Cacao Butter
Raw Honey or agave
Sea salt
Coconut oil (optional)
You will also need
A small saucepan or pot
Glass bowl
Martha bowl or some other container
Water and a heat source
5 Steps To Raw Vegan Chocolate
Melt the cacao butter (100 grams)
Slowly start to warm water in your saucepan or pot. Try not to heat over 115 degrees. As your water starts to warm up.
Next, put the cacao butter inside a bowl and then place the bowl inside the saucepan. The heat from the water will begin to warm and melt the bowl of cacao butter.
Slowly start to stir the cacao butter
2. Mix all the ingredients together
Once the cacao butter is warm and fluid (like honey or syrup) add 5 tablespoons of cacao powder, a pinch of sea salt and a generous tablespoon of honey (more if you like) and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
Keep in mind that coconut oil isn’t necessary however I personally love everything about it especially how it tastes. Plus it helps the chocolate to set up better holds the finished product together in the mold, kind of like glue.
3. Mould your cacao
This is where the magic starts to happen. Pour the cacao into a mould
4. Place in the Freezer
Put in the freezer for 30 minutes
5. Enjoy
Always store your chocolate in the refrigerator or a cool place. When your ready to eat take out of the refrigerator few minutes in advance.
Raw Cacao Health Benefits
Good for the heart
Good source of protein
Packed full of healthy fats
High in magnesium which is good for the heart.
Makes you happy
Promotes good circulation
Extremely high in antioxidants
These raw vegan chocolates are the perfect gift for a friend or a great snack to take with you on the go.
Get Creative
Now the simplicity of this recipe is wonderful the way it is and it’s by far my favorite. But you can also get creative and infuse different herbs, spices, berries or whatever you like. to your chocolate concoction if you wish.